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Can I return my items if I didn’t like them?

We do a detailed quality check to all our orders to insure product proper functionality. However, if item is DOD (Dead on Delivery),

customer may return the order. Additional delivery charges may apply.

Do I need to register an account in order to buy from your site?

No, you can log in as a guest and process the order. However, registering for an account will

help you accumulate reward points and keep you informed of our latest craziest deals.

How long does it take to deliver my order?

Your order will be delivered within 2 business* days from day of purchase.

Do you accept checks for payment?

No checks are accepted. Only credit card or cash payments are recognized.

I didn't mean to order that thing I just ordered. Can I cancel my order?

You only have 6 hours after purchase to cancel your order. After that time, you are reliable for

your order.

Doing frequent order cancellations will result in account suspension.

Are your appliances 220V or 110V?

Some on the appliances are 110V. We offer a transformer that comes along with the order for

any appliance under 300W. Customer is responsible to buy transformer for larger appliance.