8 ADJUSTABLE STAGES allows the Tricycoo UL toddler tricycle to adapt as your child grows
STAGE 1 & 2: BABY TRIKE allows the seat on this tricycle stroller to recline in 3 positions, and to turn 180 degrees so your child can face you
STAGE 3: PUSH TRIKE for when those legs get a little longer, it’s time to use those flip-down footrest on this trike stroller for a little added support and unlock the pedals to ensure you have control of the pace
STAGE 4: TODDLER MODE removes the seat pad to encourage your child to use their own muscles, and you’re one step closer to letting them ride solo!
STAGE 5: TODDLER PUSH MODE the additional flip-down footrests are removed. Free wheel function and free handlebar function can be engaged to move the pedals and handlebar without controlling them yet
STAGE 6: CHILD MODE the parent handle, the footrests, and the bumper are removed to allow children to pedal by themselves
STAGE 7: CLASSIC TRIKE the back support, the safety belts, and the basket (optional) are removed for some big kid fun!
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